Fall Sports Moved To Second Semester In Rockdale County, Georgia

On Friday, one of the Atlanta Metro Counties school districts announced they would be postponing all fall sports until the second semester of the 2020-2021 school year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In a release from Rockdale County Public Schools superintendent, Terry Oatts, Oatts stated that "After careful consultation and deliberation, I have determined that we will postpone our fall sports season until second semester of the 2020-2021 school year." Oatts went on to say that he asked the county's Director of Athletics to develop a second semester schedule for the "traditional fall sports." The move affects all three high schools in the region which include Rockdale Co. HS, Salem and Heritage. Oatts noted that he felt moving the fall season to the second semester gave the sports teams a better chance at being able to have a complete season, reassuring that the move was not a cancellation and simply a postponement. The biggest question at hand will be what schools those fall sports will be able to compete against. As of now, the all Georgia High School Association sports are scheduled to start on time with the exception of football which was pushed back two weeks. Softball game throughout the state have already begun and volleyball games for most schools will begin next week.