Jonesboro's Jeremiah Ticket headed to Georgia Southern

As student athletes across the country signed their national letters of intent to continue their academic and athletic careers at their respective colleges and universities of choice, the Jonesboro Cardinals celebrated one of their own as defensive lineman, Jeremiah Ticket, signed his National Letter of Intent to play for the Georgia Southern Eagles.
"The last three days have been very stressful so to finally get it all over with feels great," Ticket said on Wednesday after signing his NLI to join Clay Helton's Eagles. "I loved the place. I went over for an official visit this weekend and they showed me around and I loved the people there and I loved the area, the atmosphere was amazing and they have a great athletic program," Ticket said as he explained what some of the factors were that led to his decision to choose Georgia Southern.
Originally from Alaska and with a passion for basketball, Ticket had not played organized football until stepping onto the Jonesboro campus, however as he reflected over his time with the Cardinals, he recalls how he would have never imaged his athletic career would include playing football at the collegiate level.
"Growing up, all I had was basketball so being here for a football signing to go to college for free is just crazy. 10 years ago I would have never thought this would happen," Ticket said as he expressed he gratefulness for the opportunity ahead of him.